Update Waves plan
GET the best price for your WUP renewal through the site Plugados
1. Go to the Waves update page: https://www.waves.com/login?returnurl=%2faccount % 2fget-waves-update-plan
2. Select the products you want to renew.
3. Click "Buy from your local dealer?"
4. Send the code (GUID) to the Waves Update Plan to your email address.
5. Once you receive your code from GUID Waves, please enter it below and send it to us so we can calculate and send you the BEST PRICE is the BEST PAYMENT by email .
Send your GUID to Plugados
Click the button below to open our contact form, and pre correctly fill in the following information in the contact form:
- Your name
- Your email
- Message: "I would like to participate in the Waves Upgrade Plan. My Waves GUID: "
> > > Contact form